Saturday, November 7, 2009

big molly ,little molly part-3,hiding out.

molly, her best megan order 50 pizzas from the nearest pizza place, and her sister named nicole buy 100 12 packs of diet coke and ice tea, to drink ,with their pizzas.
molly's boyfriend jeff showed up at that some motel, ex-clothes for molly, while she is still a full grown woman and he had ellie buy molly for her to wear, whenever you have to turn herself, into a 10 year old little girl.

Havi, showed up at molly's hotel, with the dogs named franics and georgie and jim, also, came with havi.

while everyone at the motel, where molly and everyone are hiding out and waiting for the pizza delvery guy , to bring there pizzas, which hope full, will not take too long.
there are 20 Los Angeless Police Helicopers flying over the area, where the motel, where everyone is staying at.
there are 100 Los Angeless Police Patrol cars driving through the city of Los Angeless, trying find and capture and arrest molly and her human and doggie friends.
Doggie Los Angeless Police Chief Hugzely the dog, is working with the human police chief of the-
Los Angeless Police department, along with members from F.B.I, Who sent 100 doggie and human F.B.I Agents, to help with search, which could take months.

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